

更新時間:2013-04-19 09:16:22 / 張貼時間:2013-04-19 09:12:54


演講者:Dr. Kien A. Hua
    Pegasus Professor
    Department of EECS
    University of Central Florida
演講題目:Advanced Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
演講大網: In this presentation, we discuss a number of novel concepts for advanced multi-hop wireless networks:
•Dynamic Stream Merging: In multi-hop wireless mesh access networks, maintaining one dedicated stream per user severely limits scalability and can lead to network collapse in the face of a sudden surge in popularity of certain videos. Finding solutions for this problem is also vital for services which experience the so-called 80-20 access pattern, where about 80% of demand is for around 20% of videos. Existing multicast solutions like Patching are unsuitable because the video server generally cannot participate in the mesh network protocols. Proxy servers are similarly unsuitable because they reduce strain on the video server but not within the mesh access network itself where they appear as just another server. To address these problems, intelligent mesh nodes can monitor the video streams to detect duplication. By employing a merging buffer, the recent video data from an older stream can be reused in a newer copy of the stream. Merging takes place independently at the mesh nodes as needed throughout the network, incrementally constructing a wireless video delivery tree which is able to evolve to service new requests and adapt to the dynamics of user mobility. This approach saves precious wireless resources and improves the robustness of the network without requiring cooperation with either the video source or the users.
•Autonomous Mobile Network: Traditional mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) may suffer network partitioning. This limitation makes MANET unsuitable for applications in which team members might need to work in disconnected groups distributed over the application terrain. In such applications, inter-group communication is crucial to the team collaboration. To address this weakness, an autonomous mobile mesh network (mMESH) may follow the mobile clients, and dynamically organize themselves into suitable network topologies to ensure good connectivity for both intra- and inter-group communications. An mMESH can be land-based, airborne, or underwater. mMESH can also be used for data collection in wireless sensor networks, in which each mMESH node collects data from sensors within its radio range and transmits these data to the sink over the mMESH.
•Mercury-Like Self Routing: Communication links extending between source and destination nodes in an MANET are often broken under a high mobility environment. Although a new communication route can be established when a link break occurs, repeatedly reconstructing new routes incurs delay and substantial overhead. Alternatively, a new paradigm based on communication paths can be employed. A communication path is a dynamically-created geographical area that connects the source and destination nodes. The routing functionality of a communication path is provided by the physical nodes (i.e., mobile devices) currently within the geographical region served by the path. These physical nodes take turns in forwarding data packets for the path. Since a path can be supported by many alternative nodes, this scheme is much less susceptible to node mobility. Such a communication path can also be designed to follow the source and destination nodes to maintain their connectivity. Such a MANET is suitable for a wider range of applications.


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