

更新時間:2007-07-05 13:52:20 / 張貼時間:2007-07-06 20:40:54


國立中興大學獸醫學院 獸醫公共衛生學研究所

行政院衛生署 疾病管制局

Graduate Institute of Veterinary Public Health College of Veterinary Medicine

National Chung Hsing University

Centers for Disease of Department of Health

Executive Yuan (R.O.C)

張照勤 副教授




時間: 96年7月7(星期六)  上午900  ~ 下午1730

地點:中興大學動物疾病診斷中心 B1101



830 開始報到

900 ~ 905 開幕式


905 ~ 945   Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis 之生物多樣性(張照夫教授)

945 ~ 1025  The Global Spread of the Salmonella Genomic Island 1 Carrying Various Antibiotic Resistance GeneClusters (Dr. Axel Cloeckaert)

1025 ~ 1035  綜合討論


* * * 休息(Coffee break)* * *



1050 ~ 1130  Antimicrobial Resistance in Common Salmonella Serotypes in Taiwan(楊采菱)

1130 ~ 1210  Antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella: Epidemiology and Mechanism (邱政洵)

1210 ~ 1225  綜合討論


1225 ~ 1300      * * * 午餐(供應便餐)Lunch Time and Poster Session* * *


論文報告Pathogenesis and Genetics (主持人:蘇玲慧)

1300 ~ 1315  Functional and molecular characterization of pSE34 encoding a type 4 secretion system in Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis phage type 34 (報告人:陳奇良)

1315 ~ 1330  Identification of Bartonella henselae genotype-specific proteins (報告人:徐媛曼)

1330 ~ 1345  Different effects of antibiotics on plasmid stability of Salmonella enterica serovar 

                           Choleraesuis (報告人:陳姝妏)

1345 ~ 1400  Differences in Salmonella-induced PKB activation of porcine epithelial cells may correlate to diarrheagenic symptoms of swine salmonellosis (報告人:陳正文)

1400 ~ 1415  Analysis of the Std fimbriae in Salmonella enterica serotype Choleraesuis and the 

                           application of the stdA gene in detecting Salmonella (報告人:楊家惠)


1415 ~ 1435        * * * 休息(Coffee break Poster Session* * *


論文報告Antimicrobial Resistance (主持人:葉光勝)

1435 ~ 1450  Determination of the fim related gene expression and cloning the genes that express differently in mRNA level from the culture conditions that favor and inhibit type 1 fimbrial expression in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (報告人:范嘉純)

1450 ~ 1505  台灣地區動物性廢棄物及猪畜產品沙門氏菌之流行病學研究 (報告人:李宗賢)

1505 ~ 1520  台灣地區人類感染Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis之病例對照研究


1520 ~ 1535  Rapid detection of fluoroquinolone-resistant Salmonella by Multiplex Allele specific  

                           PCR (報告人:王裕智)

1535 ~ 1550  Epidemiology and plasmid analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Bareilly and 

                           S. Braenderup  (報告人:林叡旻)


1550 ~ 1600        * * * 休息(Coffee break Poster Session* * *



1600 ~ 1615  利用即時聚合酶連鎖反應(Real-time PCR)快速檢測鉤端螺旋體病


1615 ~ 1630  傳統市場與屠宰場仿土雞沙門氏桿菌分離率調查 (報告人:林正忠)

1630 ~ 1645  台灣沙門氏菌血清型別與PFGE基因指紋圖譜資料庫及其應用 (報告人:李孟訓)

1645 ~ 1700  Acute Gastroenteritis Caused by Multiple Enteric Pathogens in Children


1700 ~ 1715  台灣中部醫學中心Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis感染之相關危險因子探討


1715 ~ 1730 主辦與合辦單位感謝結語
