

更新時間:2009-09-17 10:05:53 / 張貼時間:2009-09-23 08:15:42











講者:林修葳 教授(台灣大學國際企業學系暨研究所教授)








林修葳 教授





















1.          Chin, Chen-Lung, Hsiou-wei W. Lin, and Hsin-Yi Chi, 2004, “Firm Valuation and Intellectual Property Right,” Journal of Management, Vol.21, No.2, pp.(TSSCI)

2.          Liu, Jenten, Li-Hua Huang and Hsiou-Wei W. Lin, 2004, “A Study of Relationships among R&D Investments, Patent Grants and Operating Performance: The Effects of Taiwan Patent Legislation,” Taiwan Accounting Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, April, pp 97-126.

3.          Chen-Lung Chin, Hsiou-wei William Lin and Woei Herng Chiou, 2004, “The Value-Relevance of R&D and Capital Expenditure: A Test of the Life Cycle Hypothesis,” Sun Yat-Sen Management Review,” Accepted and Forthcoming.(TSSCI)

4.          Li, Ming-Yuan and Hsiou-wei W. Lin, 2005, “Examining Multiple Volatility and Co-movement States as Well as Beta Coefficients of International Stock Markets,” Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, Vol. 13, No. 5, December, pp. 41-71.(TSSCI)

5.          Liu, Jeten, Hsiou-wei Lin and Chen-Lung Chin, 2005, “Path Analysis of Value Chain of Innovation: An Empirical Study of R&D Investment,” Management Review, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. (TSSCI)

6.          Shu-Ling Chen, Po-Chuan Shih and Hsiou-Wei Lin, 2005, “The Linkage between Related Party Credit and Transaction Variables and Default Probabilities,” Review of Financial Risk Management, Vol. 1, No.3, pp.47-63.

7.          Chang, Wen-Jing, Ling-Tai Lynette Chou, and Hsiou-wei W. Lin, 2005, “The Effect of Dismissal Threat on Auditor Independence,” Taiwan Accounting Review, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 97-123.

8.          Min-Hsien Su and Hsiou–wei Lin, 2006, “Exploring the Limitations of Merton and Logit Models in Estimating Credit Risk,” Review of Financial Risk Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 65-87.

9.          Ho, Huay-Chung., Shih-Chin. Lee and Hsiou-wei W. Lin. 2006, “Gambler’s Fallacy in the Taiwan Lotto Market,” Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 417-444. (TSSCI, EconLit)

10.      Hsiou-Wei William Lin, Yir-Jung Emily Syu & Cheng-Wen Yu, 2007,“ Investigating Net Purchases Accompanying Unexpected Investment Income of Taiwan’s Companies.” International Journal of Accounting Studies. (TSSCI), Vol.45, pp. 01-26.

11.      Hsiou-Wei Lin, Yu-Cheng Chen, Ming-Chin Chen, Chi-Chun Liu, Chin S. Ou, Chin-Chen Chien, Ruei-Shian Wu & Mei-Feng Lin, 2009,” Measuring the Quality of Taiwan’s Accounting Journals,” Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Accepted and Forthcoming, 2009 (July). (TSSCI)

12.      Li, Ming-Yuan and Hsiou-wei W. Lin, 2003, “Examining the Volatility of Taiwan Stock Index, Dow Jones, and Nikkei Market Returns via a Three-Volatility-Regime Markov-Switching ARCH Model,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (RQFA), Vol. 21, Issue 2, September, pp. 123-139.

13.      Li, Ming-Yuan, Hsiou-wei W. Lin, and Rao, Hsiu-hua, 2004, “The Performance of Markov-switching Model on Business Cycle Identification Revisited,” Applied Economics Letters, 12 (8): pp.513-520 JUN 20 2005. (SSCI)

14.      Li, Ming-Yuan and Hsiou-wei W. Lin, 2004, Estimating Value at Risk via Markov Switching ARCH Models-An Empirical Study on Stock Index Returns,” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 11,. pp. 679-691. (SSCI)

15.      Lin, Hsiou–wei, Maureen F. McNichols and Patricia C. O’Brien, 2005 “Analyst Impartiality and Investment Banking Relationships,” Journal of Accounting Research, 3 (4): 623-650 SEP. (SSCI)

16.      Lin Hsiou-wei, Chen-Lung Chin, Yir-Jung Emily Syu, 2006, “On the Association between IPO Underpricing and Reversal and Taiwan‘s Regulatory Reforms for Mandatory Forecasts,” Journal of Forecasting, Accepted and Forthcoming. (SSCI)

17.      Li, Ming-Yuan and Hsiou-wei W. Lin, 2006, “Examining Multi-asymmetric Price Adjustment Behavior of Stock Markets via Threshold Models -An Empirical Study on Four Developed and Three Emerging Asian Stock Markets,” International Journal of Financial Services Management, Accepted and Forthcoming.

18.      Lin Hsiou-wei, Chen-Lung Chin, Bikki Jaggi and Picheng Li, 2006, “Earnings Forecasts Disclosure Regulation and Earnings Management by IPO Firms to Meet the Forecast Error Threshold,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (RQFA), Accepted and Forthcoming.

19.      Lin, Hsiou–wei and Chu-hsuan Chang, 2006, “Does the Market React Differently to Lead versus Follow Analyst Recommendations?” Journal of Economics and Finance, Accepted and Forthcoming.

20.      Lin, Hsiou–wei and Ray-hsuan Wu, 2006, “Security Analysts’ Competence in Value and Glamour,” Journal of Accounting Business and Economics, Accepted and Forthcoming.

21.      Kao, C., Lin, H. W., Chung, S. L., Tsai, W. C., Chiou, J. S., Chen, Y. L., Chen, L. H., Fang, S. C. and Pao, H. L.,2006 “Ranking Taiwanese management journals: A case study”, Scientometrics. (SSCI).

       Lin Hsiou-wei and Yun-Chiang Tai, 2009,“A Nonparametric General Equilibrium estimation of Covered Interest Rate Arbitrage for Western European Countries during the pre-Euro dollar period: A behavioral perspective,” Applied Financial Economics, Accepted and Forthcoming.
