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【人社中心國際學者系列講座】6/14(一)Dr. Paul G. Pickowicz (UCSD),講題 Recent Developments in PRC Independent Filmmaking

更新時間:2010-06-09 17:38:02 / 張貼時間:2010-06-14 08:49:24






主講者(Speaker) Dr. Paul G. Pickowicz (Department of History, UCSD)


講題(Topic) Recent Developments in PRC Independent Filmmaking (Chinese)


時間(Date & Time) 2010614() 上午10:10~12:00


地點(Venue) 中興大學綜合教學大樓1104(台中市南區國光路250)


主講者簡介(Speakers Bio-note):

Paul G. Pickowicz is Distinguished Professor of History and Chinese Studies at UC San Diego, where he has served on the faculty for 36 years. He received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1973. His main research interest is the social and cultural history of 20th century China. He has two specialties: 1) village life in North China and 2) the history of Chinese filmmaking. His books include Chinese Village, Socialist State (Yale), New Chinese Cinemas (Cambridge), Revolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China (Yale), and The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History (Stanford). In 1993 he won the Joseph R. Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies for the best book on 20th century China in any discipline. A new book, Dilemmas of Victory: The Early Years of the People's Republic of China was published by Harvard in 2007. Professor Pickowicz has won three teaching awards: the UCSD Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award in 1998, the UCSD Chancellor's Associates Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching in 2003, and the UCSD Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award in 2009. He is on the editorial boards of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture and Journal of Chinese Cinemas. Professor Pickowicz and his colleague Professor Joseph Esherick jointly run UCSD's nationally ranked PhD program in modern Chinese history. The program explores the ways in which ordinary Chinese have experienced China's tumultuous modern history. Professor Pickowicz recently completed a term as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (2006) and a term as Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (2008).




