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  • 本校化學系傑出校友黃大一教授偕AAAS院士Prof. Robert Reisz 演講暨座談資訊

本校化學系傑出校友黃大一教授偕AAAS院士Prof. Robert Reisz 演講暨座談資訊

更新時間:2010-07-08 15:37:49 / 張貼時間:2010-07-08 15:37:49

時間: 99年7月9日 (星期五) 10am-12am
地點: 行政大樓第四會議室
10:00 am-11:00am  Robert Reisz教授演講:「已知最早的恐龍胚胎與其演化含義」( The oldest known dinosaur embryos and their evolutionary significance )
11:00am-11:30am  黃大一教授簡介「現代科技與古生物之研究」
11:30am-12:00am  問題與討論

本演講/座談目的為促成本校師生參與演講主題相關之兩岸國際合作研究計畫,敬請 轉知有興趣之校內教師與研究生。連絡人: 國際處吳小姐 (04) 22840206 ext25

演講摘要: 已知最早的恐龍胚胎與其演化含義

The Golden Gate Highlands National Park in South Africa and the area around it are well known for the many articulated skeletons of the 190 million year old dinosaur Massospondylus, a prosauropod dinosaur, and part of a clade of early dinosaurs that gained a worldwide distribution in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic. The skeletons of this herbivorous dinosaur range in size small juveniles to full adults. This presentation will show how we found the eggs and embryos of this early dinosaur in a road cut in that park. You will also find out how an international team led by Professor Robert Reisz studied these tiny embryos, their nests, and the various juveniles and adults, and were able to learn about the reproductive behavior of this early dinosaur, and how it managed to grow from a 18 cm quadrupedal hatchling to a 5 m bipedal adult.

Professor Robert Reisz is a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Toronto, chair of the Department of Biology, UTM, and research associate at numerous museums. His research has focused on major events in the evolutionary history of vertebrates, and includes studies on the evolution of teeth in early fishes, the initial diversification of vertebrates on land, the origin of turtles, the origin and early history of herbivory in terrestrial vertebrates, and the initial stages of dinosaur evolution. His dinosaur work focuses on the South African Massospondylus and its relatives.
