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  • 【人社中心國際學者系列講座】4/27 Organ Economics: New Cinema of Transplant and Desire from 'Blood Work' to 'The Eye'

【人社中心國際學者系列講座】4/27 Organ Economics: New Cinema of Transplant and Desire from 'Blood Work' to 'The Eye'

更新時間:2011-04-18 10:47:26 / 張貼時間:2011-04-25 09:38:09







主題(Topic)Organ Economics:  New Cinema of Transplant and Desire from 'Blood Work' to 'The Eye'

時間(Date&Time)2011427 () 14:10-16:10


主講者(Speaker)Larissa N. Heinrich (Associate Professor, Department of Literature, University of California San Diego, U.S.A.)

討論人(Discussant)Lucifer Hung(中興大學人社中心博士後研究員)

主持人(Moderator)Jiann-guang Lin(中興大學外文系副教授)


This talk will place organ trade narratives in the work of Hong Kong directors in dialogue with films by European and American directors like Stephen Frears and Clint Eastwood.  In particular, it will analyze how Hong Kong cinema plants concerns about Chinese transnational and cultural identity in the rich symbolic soil of the evolving technologies and ethical dilemmas associated with organ transplant.  What are the new aesthetics of the body in an age when the progressively transnational character of film production mirrors the national and regional permeability of the global organ trade and ultimately, of course, the permeability of the body itself?  This talk will suggest that “organ transplant” films by Fruit Chan and the Thailand-based Pang Brothers express a dual anxiety not only about the potential dilution or colonization of individual identity in the post-colonial state, but – as Hong Kong films are increasingly marketed to, adapted for, and even produced in international markets – about the disappearance of the film-makers’ own “vision” amidst the demands of the global marketplace.

主講者簡介(Speaker's Bio-note)

Larissa Heinrich received her Master’s degree in Chinese Literature from Harvard University in 1995, and the Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2002. Her research interests include literary and cultural figurings of science and medicine; cultural notions of authenticity, copyright, replication, and reproduction; the use of visual culture in literary studies; science fiction and utopian imaginings; and global queer cultures. She is the author of the book 'The Afterlife of Images: Translating the Pathological Body between China and the West' (Durham: Duke University Press, 2008), and co-editor with Fran Martin of 'Embodied Modernities: Corporeality and Representation in Chinese Cultures' (University of Hawai’i Press, 2006).


閱讀清單(Reading List)

香港製造》(英文:Made in Hong Kong1997 導演、編劇:陳果(Fruit Chan)

見鬼(英文:The Eye)  2002導演、編劇:彭氏兄弟(Oxide and Danny Pang)





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