中興大學4的n次方無國界創新服務計畫 NCHU--- Borderless Innovative Volunteer Program,熱烈招募(Recruiting Volunteers)。
中興大學 NCHU--- Borderless Innovative Volunteer Program
-創意服務 X 多元學習 X 國際觀 X 領導與就業力
中興大學 與 爽文國中【 Super 教師 + Power 教師 + 2014師鐸獎 王政忠老師】 合作,共同辦理 2015 English Summer Camp 熱烈招募中~ 歡迎中興、成大、中山、中正有興趣的在學學生,踴躍報名參加。
1. 活動地點:南投縣中寮鄉爽文國中
2. 活動時間:104年7月28日(二)到8月15日(六)(暫定)活動須全程參與。
3. 志工報到及培訓:2015/07/28(二) ~8/1(六) (行前會議/生活安置/課程討論)。
4. 服務營隊日期:2015/08/03~2015/08/15。
5. 營隊對象:國中生,國二國三學生約80人。
6. 服務內容: 英語課程設計執行/戲劇活動設計/與學生互動。
7. 營隊課程規劃:
英語營隊行前會議 |
104.8.3-104.8.14 英語營隊課程 |
英語營隊成果發表 |
說明 |
1. 相見歡
2. 分組
3. 課程聚焦討論 |
參看每日課程安排 |
1. 藝術表演
2. 學生英語戲劇 |
8. 每日課程安排
時間 |
0900-1200 |
1310-1800 |
1900-2030 |
內容 |
英語課程設計與排練 |
英語分組課程 |
課程對話與檢討會議 |
分組 |
課程設計與演練 |
1. 依學生程度散,依程度分為九組。
2. 延伸課程。 |
1. 檢討當日課程
2. 設計明日課程 |
簡介 |
1. 各小隊依主題設計相關課程。
2. 排演。 |
1. 國中英語學習內容。
2. 東西方文化。 |
NCHU- Boundless innovative Volunteer Program-
Perhaps, we cannot bring every child to see the world,
Yet we can let the world step in their little worlds, changing their lives.
1. Location: Shuang-Wen Junior High School, Nantou County
2. Time: Jul./ 28th/ 104~Aug./ 15th/ 104 (tentative) *Requested for applicants’ attendance during the whole event.
3. Drill and Preparation: Jul./ 28th/ 104~Aug./1st/104 (Pre-event meeting/ discussion about the content of the following class/accommodations/etc.)
4. Target students: Junior-high-school students ( about 80 students)
5. Requirement:College Students from natives(9-10 persons) and non-residents (9-10 persons) after interview.
(1) Well oral expression and communication skills, teaching experiences is preferred.
(2) Indoor curriculum & outside activity design, cooking & drama show arrangement , arouse student’s interest, active participation and recognition, class management
(3) Closing Date For Entries:2015/08/15
(4) Please fill in Registration Form for Volunteer and feedback before 2015/04/17
6. Memorandum note For Volunteer Recruitment
(1) Honor my volunteer commitment and obey all regulation/agreement captioned. Work as a “team player” for the good of all persons within School Camp Volunteer system.
(2) Summer Camp will provide professional training before camp/class and arrangement with traffic, board and lodging included. We offer proof of volunteer service after camp.
(3) All volunteers authorize media interview and the use of video recording, pictures, images and likeness for reasonable use and incorporation by School for informational and media use in connection with the Summer Camp website and media outreach to the general public.
7. What we’ll do during the program: English classes/drama/anything that provokes students’ interest in English. It can be sports, music, arts.
8. General schedule:
Pre-event meeting |
English camp |
Wrap-up presentation |
1. Getting to know one another
2. Grouping
3. Design and discuss about how the class will be operated |
Volunteer Program |
1. Drama
2. Art performances |
9. Daily class schedule during the English camp:
Time |
0900~1200 |
1310~1800 |
1900~2030 |
Title |
Design and rehearse the class |
The class |
The review |
Content |
Design and rehearse the class which will be presented in the evening |
1. Divide the students into different groups according to ability.
2. Learning materials are from junior-school textbooks
3. Lead students to know more about foreign cultures |
1. Brief the class and point in the flaws that can be modified.
2. Design and manage next class. |
NCHU expects students to grow and learn from the experiences of helping the children, who are from the remote areas, and thus to be more willing to devote oneself to Taiwan.
1. Helping students who are aboriginals, single-parent, disabled, etc. is one of our main goals. We try to stimulate the potential abilities and their passion of English as much as possible.
2. Provide college students with an opportunity to learn, and a chance to designing and developing their unique way of teaching.
3. Provide students a platform to perform their excellences.
【 翻轉●就是常是回到事物本身應該有的樣子 】
「翻轉的意義,其實就是嘗試回到事物本身應該有的樣子。」 小時候因為家庭因素,王政忠靠著打工和老師幫助才能度過求學階段,他深刻體會教育是一項希望工程;又因為921大地震,讓他重新思考投身教育的初衷,毅然重回全台最貧窮偏鄉之ㄧ的爽文國中任教。「education」,是從拉丁文「educo」轉變而來,指「引導成人」的意思,因此學生才是教育的主體,王政忠花了10幾年的時間待在爽文,幫助這群孩子自主學習、獨立思考,翻轉教育重回教育的本質,給學生成功的機會。他說,這裡是傳統偏教育的縮影,常態編班、家庭支持度低、資源貧乏、學生自學能力低,也許有很多人都在做一樣的事,但這裡更貼近現實。
- 本訊息負責人 葉容真
- 電話 22840237轉22
- E-mail cheny@nchu.edu.tw