
Google 校園招聘

更新時間:2017-12-18 09:24:09 / 張貼時間:2017-12-18 09:22:59
Hi there!

Greeting from Google!

We’re hiring Hardware Operations Engineer, Data Center, for Taiwan data center, and we’d like to invite you to Youtube Livestream session to learn more about Google data center and life as an Operations Engineer.

Invitation to Youtube Livestream - Google Taiwan Data Center: Life as an Operations Engineer

During the livestream, we’ll bring you a closer look on Google Taiwan data center’s business and technology; have Googlers sharing with you their career with Data Center as operations engineer; share hiring tips from recruiter; answer your questions about Google Taiwan Data Center in real time.

Please find more event details below. Please also feel free to forward the message to your friends, colleagues who might be interested.

Here’s how to join us

Life as an Operations Engineer - Youtube Livestream
Date:  Dec. 21st
Time: 17:00 - 17:50 (Taiwan Standard Time)

* It’s an invitation only event. We’ll extend the site link to your mailbox two days prior the event.  

For any question in concern, please feel free to reach out to google-student-programs@google.com.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Google Staffing Programs

© 2017 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
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Bring questions. Build answers.

Willa Wan (万威) | China Staffing Programs | Google China | +86 10 6250 4558

n   面試、應徵時應小心謹慎,請留意下列事項。

n   五不為:

n   1、不繳款。

n   2、不購買。

n   3、不隨便簽署文件。

n   4、證件不離身。

n   5、不從事非法工作。

n   三必問:

n   1、問自己是要找一份工作還是找一個事業。

n   2、問明職前訓練及試用期間的薪資、勞保、健保、出缺勤等相關規定。

n   3、問明確實的工作性質(內勤還是外勤)及職務內容。

n   五必看:

n   1、是否為長期刊登職缺之公司。

n   2、是否為合法正派經營的公司。

n   3、待遇優厚是否優渥得不合乎常情。

n   4、面試是否草率輕易錄取。

n   5、是否潛藏求職陷阱或不法行為。

n   求職防騙諮詢專線:04-22289111轉分機35607
