
UMAP 2019-1 Program A&B交換計畫

更新時間:2018-11-09 17:04:46 / 張貼時間:2018-11-02 14:25:16

此計畫共計3項/ There are three program in UMAP:

  1. UMAP多國交換學生計劃Program A(UMAP Multilateral Student Exchange Program 簡稱UME)
  2. UMAP雙邊交換學生計劃Program B(UMAP Bilateral Student Exchange Program 簡稱UBE)
  3. UMAP特殊課程交換學生計劃Program C(UMAP Student Exchange on Special Courses 簡稱USC)

參與UME計畫(Program A)或UBE計劃(Program B)即可享有學雜費減免之優惠,每校可推派兩名學生至會員國之USCO參與學校交換,或接受其他會員國之USCO參與學校學生。 

UMAP會員校限制與課程資訊:http://umap.org/programs/a_b/請自行點閱!! For more information, please visit http://umap.org/programs/a_b/

收件截止日期: 2018年11月23日 下午4點前以於線上完成申請,並將文件影本送至本處。(逾時不候,交件後不得更改) Deadline: 2018/11/23 16:00 PM(Please finish the on-line applicaion and deliver all documents to OIA office. Please notice that once you send the documents, you can't make any changes.)

提名名額: 2名 Nomination Quota: 2 students

申請資料: 請依下列資訊完成線上申請,並於11月23日前繳交紙本文件。本校將於12月1日前完成UMAP提名作業 Application: Please finish the on-line application via the prodecure information. And hand in all the documents to OIA by 23th November. OIA will finish the nomination by 1st  December.


申請程序 / Application procedure: 

1.  線上申請系統 Application System: https://usco.umap.org/std/    

2. 申請系統簡介 USCO System User Manual (如附件)

3. 需要上傳文件 Required Documents: 成績單Transcripts, 語言能力證明Certificate of Official Language Exams, 動機信Motivation Letter(s), 護照影本Copy of Passport, 體檢證明Medical Certificate  (文件依學校規定會有所不同 Required Documents depending on each institution)
