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  • 108年補助博士班學生出國研修 2019 National Chung Hsing University Doctoral Study Abroad Scholarship

108年補助博士班學生出國研修 2019 National Chung Hsing University Doctoral Study Abroad Scholarship

更新時間:2019-03-11 09:26:51 / 張貼時間:2019-03-04 15:55:48


依據法規 Regulations:(If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact OIA.)

1. 國立中興大學補助博士班學生出國研修辦法

2. The NCHU Regulation for Dealing with Student's Academic Affairs and Status While Staying Abroad

一、學生申請資格 Application Requirements:
(一) 應具備下列各項資格,以申請截止日期為採認之基準。
1. 現正就讀於博士班且在學一年以上者。 Students who enrolled at Doctoral Degree at least 1 year.
2. 境外學術或研究機構同意接受前往研究之證明文件 。Acceptance letters or agreements from Research Institution or University.
(二) 獲教育部、科技部及其他博士班學生出國研修公費補助者,不得同時支領 。If you have already received scholarships from different institutions (such as Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology or other institutions), you are not allowed to receive our scholarship at the same time.
(三) 境外研修機構需為國際知名之研究型大學;NGO/NPO等機構,須為各國官方評比或正式認定,就其專業屬性為該國排名為前三大的組織或機構等。The research institution should be well-known Research Universities, NGO/NPO Institutions or any institutions which are ranked in Top 3 for specific academic fields. They should be admitted or recognized by their own countries. 

二、審查規範 Evaluation Regulation
(一)審查委員會之組成 Committee  Members
申請案件由國際事務長、教務長、學生事務長、研究發展長及學生所屬學院院長審查通過後,簽請校長核定。 Applications will be evaluated by Vice President for International Affairs, Vice President for Students Affairs, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research and Development and Deans from Colleages.

(二)審核標準 Evaluation Points for Applicants
1. 申請人執行計畫能力、外語能力、境外研修機構與國外指導教授或專家之適切性,及研究主題之發展潛力。Eligible for executive capability, language ability, research capacity of which relevant to supervisors/ institutions and the potential skills for resea
2. 申請人在校成績、學術表現、發表論文之篇數與內容或其他特殊表現。Applicants' academic preformance, pieces of Publications and other performance. 

三、申請程序 Application procedure:
(一)申請時需檢附以下六項文件:Applicants are required to submit the following 6 documents.

1. 申請表。Application From

2. 研修計畫書,內容必須包含:Research project/plan must be composed of listed items below:
(1) 國外研修計畫摘要,含研修期程。Abstract and timeline of the study/research plan
(2) 個人傑出表現。Personal professional experiences 
(3) 擬進行研修計畫背景、目的、方法及其重要性 Study background, purpose, method/courses, and significance 
(4) 境外研修學校(機構)/系所(學程)之學術成就與完成研修構想的相關性。Relevance between the study/research plan and the university/institution to apply
(5) 預期成果與未來發展之關係。Expected achievements
(6) 境外研修學校(機構)/系所(學程)於該國之最近公開評鑑排序書面資料及該資料可供查詢之網址。Proof or websites of the international rankings or reputation on the institution/ faculty/ Dept.
(7) 留學期間經費預算表。Study/research budget table 

3. 指導教授之推薦函。Recommendation Letter by the aAdvisor 

4. 歷年成績單及發表論文抽印本。Official Copy of Transcripts and Offprints of Publications 

5. 語言鑑定機構出具之成績證明。Official Proof of Language Proficiency

6. 境外研修機構同意接受前往研究之證明文件。Invitation Letter from Host University/ Institute


(二)申請截止日 Application Deadline:2019/3/20 16:00 Please submit the applicaions to the OIA Office。

四、執行程序 Results
審查結果將以電子郵件通知發送各申請同學。OIA will notify the admitted applicants by e-mail.


  • 本訊息負責人 鄭小姐 (Christina)
  • 電話 206-22
  • E-mail yccheng@nchu.edu.tw