

更新時間:2005-07-27 14:01:45 / 張貼時間:2006-08-10 07:55:54

A faculty position at all ranks in Innovative Technology in Food Science & Biotechnology starting in February 2007

一、    徵聘師資:助理教授()以上

二、    資格條件及專長領域:

(1) The candidates shall have an earned Ph.D. in food science, biotechnology, food/chemical/biochemical processing engineering or related field.

(2) The successful applicant will develop and direct an innovative, externally funded research program involving food science and biotechnology.

(3) Specifically, the candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate food processing and laboratory/practical training courses.

(4) Interests may include, but not limited to biomass utilization, nanotechnology applications in bioprocessing, emerging nontraditional and nonthermal processing, novel nutraceutical and functional food processing, and biotechnological methods for producing new and unique food ingredients.

(5) A post-doctoral experience would be preferred for an Assistant Professor. To be considered for an Associate Professor or higher level, the candidates must have a strong publication record in refereed international journals.

(6) Food industry experience is desirable.

Candidates should submit a completed application package which includes (1)a letter of application, (2)statements describing their research and teaching interests, (3)official transcripts, (4) three letters of recommendation, and (5)a detailed curriculum vita that includes education, experience, additional qualifications, and publications.


五、  郵寄地址 台中市國光路250號,國立中興大學食品暨應用生物科技學系 (掛號) 傅以中收

六、 聯絡電話:04-22840386分機5010 / 0920356033



