【健檢公告】因應海葵颱風取消原訂於9月4日辦理之新生健檢The health examination originally scheduled for 9/4 has been canceled due to Typhoon Haikui.
更新時間:2023-09-03 22:13:28 /
張貼時間:2023-09-03 21:52:15
- 因應海葵颱風來襲並考量同學安全為主,故取消原訂於9月4日辦理之112學年度新生入學健康檢查。
- 原預約9月4日新生健檢之同學,其因應方式如下:
(1)9月5日至9月8日,每日健檢時段另增加150個名額,請依個別情況擇一健檢時段到校;健檢報到時間:上午8點至 11點30分,且為配合健檢流程,請務必留意報到時間不得逾上午11點30分。
- 112年9月11日至9月28日,不需要提早預約,直接列印「新生EZ come系統」之「健康資料自填項目」至醫院補檢,後續報告由醫院統一發送至學校。
- 112年10月2日以後,需提早預約下午時段(專線電話:04-22260360、或04-22294411轉5300),請自行列印「健康資料卡」(附件),填妥第一面自填項目後至醫院補檢;惟報告須自取或自付郵資至指定收件地址。
- Due to the attack of Typhoon Haikui and considering the safety of students first, the entrance health examination for new students of the 112th academic year originally scheduled for September 4 has been cancelled.
- For students who originally made an appointment for the 9/4 health checkup, the response methods are as follows:
- From 9/5 to 9/8, there will be an additional 150 places for daily health checkups. Please choose a health checkup time to arrive at the school according to individual circumstances; health checkup time: 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Please note that check-in time is no later than 11:30 am.
- Those who are unable to complete the health checkup at school between 9/5 and 9/8 can go to the contracted hospital (Taichung Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, at the contracted price) during the following times:
- From 112/9/11 to 9/28, there is no need to make an appointment in advance. You can directly print the "Health Information Self-Filling Items" of the "Freshman EZ Come System" to the hospital for a follow-up examination. The follow-up report will be sent to the school uniformly by the hospital.
- After 112/10/2, you need to make an appointment in advance for the afternoon session (special hotline: 04-22260360, or 04-22294411 ext. 5300). Please print the "Health Information Card" (attached) by yourself, and fill in the first self-filled items. Go to the hospital for re-examination; however, the report must be picked up by yourself or paid for postage to the designated delivery address.
- 相關附件 6.健康資料卡.pdf 、 6.health.pdf