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  • 轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】行政院「強化人工智慧(AI)商品或服務之消費者保護法制研究採購案Research on Strengthening Legal Framework for Consumer Protection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products or Services」已上網公告 ,4月8日17時截止投標(Deadline: April 8, 2024, 5:00 PM)

轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】行政院「強化人工智慧(AI)商品或服務之消費者保護法制研究採購案Research on Strengthening Legal Framework for Consumer Protection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products or Services」已上網公告 ,4月8日17時截止投標(Deadline: April 8, 2024, 5:00 PM)

更新時間:2024-03-30 20:44:47 / 張貼時間:2024-03-30 20:34:39
  1. 委辦/補助單位:行政院消費者保護處
  1. Funding institution: Department of Consumer Protection
  1. 計畫主題:強化人工智慧(AI)商品或服務之消費者保護法制研究採購案
  1. Project topic: Research on Strengthening Legal Framework for Consumer Protection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products or Services
  1. 申請截止時間:1134817:00
  1. Deadline: April 8, 2024, 5:00 PM
  1. 申請方式:請至「政府電子採購網」(https://web.pcc.gov.tw/pis/?pkOmsMain=NzAzMDUzMTc=)下載招標文件,自行投標。
  1. How to apply:
    Please download the bidding documents from the "Government Electronic Procurement Service" (https://web.pcc.gov.tw/pis/?pkOmsMain=NzAzMDUzMTc=
    ) and submit your bid accordingly.
  1. 歡迎法律、社會、政治或公共行政相關領域專業機構踴躍投標。
  1. Professional organizations in the fields of law, society, politics, or public administration are welcome to actively participate in bidding.