【轉知】教育部請校方加強衛生教育宣導,並持續落實校園菸害防制工作。The Ministry of Education requests schools to strengthen health education promotion and continue to implement campus tobacco control measures.
更新時間:2024-04-08 19:51:01 /
張貼時間:2024-04-08 19:49:20
四、有關指定菸品危害資訊及相關衛教資源,可參考國健署建置之「大口呼吸無菸空氣 別碰電子煙及加熱菸」專區(網址:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/topic/2020health)及「健康九九」菸害防制館(網址:https://gov.tw/3Rt)。
1. On January 5, 2024, the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (referred to as the NHAMHW) released a press release (see attached) stating that the "Evidence Report on the Health Effects of Heated Tobacco Products" published by the World Health Organization (WHO) mentioned that both heated tobacco products and conventional cigarettes can cause addiction and are not helpful for smoking cessation.
2. According to Article 15 of the "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act," no one shall use designated tobacco products that have not been approved by the central competent authority, nor shall they manufacture, import, sell, supply, display, or advertise designated tobacco products and their necessary components without approval from the competent authority. Additionally, in accordance with Article 17 of the same law, no one shall supply necessary components of designated tobacco products to individuals under the age of 20.
3. The "Designated Tobacco Health Risk Assessment Review Zone" of the Health Promotion Administration shows that as of March 12, 113, no designated tobacco products have passed the review. However, there have been recent suspicions that some companies have been advertising and marketing designated tobacco products to adolescents through events such as seminars.
4. For information on the hazards of designated tobacco products and related health education resources, please refer to the "Breathe Clean Air, Stay Away from E-cigarettes and Heated Tobacco" section established by the Health Promotion Administration (website: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/topic/2020health) and the "Health 99" Tobacco Hazard Prevention Museum (website: https://gov.tw/3Rt).
四、有關指定菸品危害資訊及相關衛教資源,可參考國健署建置之「大口呼吸無菸空氣 別碰電子煙及加熱菸」專區(網址:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/topic/2020health)及「健康九九」菸害防制館(網址:https://gov.tw/3Rt)。
1. On January 5, 2024, the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (referred to as the NHAMHW) released a press release (see attached) stating that the "Evidence Report on the Health Effects of Heated Tobacco Products" published by the World Health Organization (WHO) mentioned that both heated tobacco products and conventional cigarettes can cause addiction and are not helpful for smoking cessation.
2. According to Article 15 of the "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act," no one shall use designated tobacco products that have not been approved by the central competent authority, nor shall they manufacture, import, sell, supply, display, or advertise designated tobacco products and their necessary components without approval from the competent authority. Additionally, in accordance with Article 17 of the same law, no one shall supply necessary components of designated tobacco products to individuals under the age of 20.
3. The "Designated Tobacco Health Risk Assessment Review Zone" of the Health Promotion Administration shows that as of March 12, 113, no designated tobacco products have passed the review. However, there have been recent suspicions that some companies have been advertising and marketing designated tobacco products to adolescents through events such as seminars.
4. For information on the hazards of designated tobacco products and related health education resources, please refer to the "Breathe Clean Air, Stay Away from E-cigarettes and Heated Tobacco" section established by the Health Promotion Administration (website: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/topic/2020health) and the "Health 99" Tobacco Hazard Prevention Museum (website: https://gov.tw/3Rt).
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