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  • 113年度連江縣「馬祖研究」申請補助案,受理時間自113年5月15日至113年8月31日止。The subsidy of "Matsu Research" in Lianjiang County in 2024 will be open for application from May 15, 2024 to August 31, 2024.”

113年度連江縣「馬祖研究」申請補助案,受理時間自113年5月15日至113年8月31日止。The subsidy of "Matsu Research" in Lianjiang County in 2024 will be open for application from May 15, 2024 to August 31, 2024.”

更新時間:2024-05-08 00:59:28 / 張貼時間:2024-05-03 21:45:38
  1. 委辦/補助單位: 連江縣政府
  1. Funding institution: LIENCHIANG COUNTY GOVERNMENT
  1. 計畫主題: 113年度連江縣「馬祖研究」申請補助案
  1. Project topic: Subsidy application case for "Matsu Research" in Lianjiang County in 2024
  1. 申請截止時間:113年8月31日下午5時
  1. Deadline: Augus 31, 2024, 5:00 PM
  1. 申請方式:依據連江縣「馬祖研究」申請補助要點辦理。​檢附本案要點及申請表,或請至連江縣文化馬祖網站下載(https://www.matsucc.gov.tw/),申請方式詳如要點第四點第一項第四款,寄送至連江縣政府文化處藝文推廣科,審查結果將另函通知各送件單位。
  1. How to apply: Please proceed with the application for the "Matsu Research" subsidy in Lianjiang County according to the specified guidelines. Attach the guidelines and application form, or visit the Lianjiang County Culture Matsu website to download them (https://www.matsucc.gov.tw/). The application process is detailed in Article 4, Section 1, Item 4 of the guidelines. Applications should be sent to the Arts and Culture Promotion Section of the Cultural Affairs Department of Lianjiang County Government. The results of the review will be notified to the respective applicants by separate letter.