【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) and the University of Illinois System (U of I) are jointly launching a call for proposals. 國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(下稱UAAT聯盟)及伊利諾大學系統(下稱U of I伊利諾)共同徵求本計畫
更新時間:2024-07-02 09:34:11 /
張貼時間:2024-07-02 09:32:46
University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) and the University of Illinois System (U of I) are jointly launching a call for proposals.
國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(下稱UAAT聯盟)及伊利諾大學系統(下稱U of I伊利諾)共同徵求本計畫。簡要徵案說明如下:
一、 研究主題:(附件1)
八、 UAAT聯盟線上徵案說明會:
九、 線上媒合會議:
UAAT聯盟與U of I伊利諾將於7月24日上午9:00-10:00聯合舉辦線上媒合會議,有興趣參與本計畫之教師,可於7月15日前至Information and Partnering Webinar進行報名。
To encourage bilateral exchange among researchers and students, promote academic collaboration and talent cultivation, and lay a solid foundation for future Grand Challenge Projects and international partnerships, University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) and the University of Illinois System (U of I) are jointly launching a call for proposals.
I. Project Research Themes (see Attachment 1)
NTU Office of Research and Development: Chia-Lin Huang (Manager)
Email: clhuang636@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: 02-3366-3267
國家重點領域國際合作聯盟(下稱UAAT聯盟)及伊利諾大學系統(下稱U of I伊利諾)共同徵求本計畫。簡要徵案說明如下:
一、 研究主題:(附件1)
- Next-generation Semiconductor (+Quantum)
- AI & Data for Human Well-Being
- Sustainability
- 計畫提案須以單一整合型團隊計畫提出。
- 各申請案須至少包含2所UAAT聯盟成員學校、1所U of I伊利諾成員單位。主持人須於計畫執行期間為所屬學校/單位之編制內專任教研人員。
- 有關UAAT聯盟成員學校與U of I伊利諾成員單位名單,請參閱附件2。
- 各核定計畫案至多獲總補助金額約150,000 USD (約新臺幣4,800,000元)為原則。
- 核定計畫案件數與金額,將考量審查結果及整體預算後核定。
- 計畫申請期間:自113年08月01日至09月20日截止。
- 計畫執行期間:自113年12月01日至114年11月30日。
- 除研究合作外,各計畫應包含人才培育及交換之元素(如人才培育及交換之績效指標)。
- 計畫主持人應說明該計畫發展至更大規模計畫之潛力,包含發展前景、藍圖以及預期效益等。
- 包含企業合作夥伴(如企業配合經費、研究R&D之合作、實習等)且具明確規劃之申請案將優先考量。
- 已獲UI-UAAT 2024年先期合作計畫補助團隊可再次提出申請,惟須於本次計畫申請書中明確敘明於主題、範疇、架構及整體影響力等方面的顯著差異。
- 先前已於先期合作計畫提出之主題不得再次提出申請,除非在本次申請案中清楚說明與前次之顯著差異,並強調本次計畫之範疇、架構及整體影響力等。
八、 UAAT聯盟線上徵案說明會:
九、 線上媒合會議:
UAAT聯盟與U of I伊利諾將於7月24日上午9:00-10:00聯合舉辦線上媒合會議,有興趣參與本計畫之教師,可於7月15日前至Information and Partnering Webinar進行報名。
To encourage bilateral exchange among researchers and students, promote academic collaboration and talent cultivation, and lay a solid foundation for future Grand Challenge Projects and international partnerships, University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) and the University of Illinois System (U of I) are jointly launching a call for proposals.
I. Project Research Themes (see Attachment 1)
- Next-generation Semiconductor (+Quantum)
- AI & Data for Human Well-Being
- Sustainability
- Project Team
- Project proposals shall be submitted as a single integrative team project.
- Each application must include at least 2 UAAT member universities and 1 U of I member institute. Applicant must be a tenure-track faculty member for the duration of the funding period.
- Please refer to Attachment 2 for the list of member universities in UAAT and member institutes in U of I System.
- Project Funding
- Each project may receive up to 150,000 USD (approximately 4,800,000 NTD).
- The final number of funded applications and the total amount will be determined based on the review results and the overall budget.
- Application and Project Duration
- Application Period: August 1 to September 20, 2024.
- Project Period: From December 1, 2024 to November 30, 2025.
- Project Requirements:
- In addition to research collaboration, each project could incorporate elements of talent cultivation and exchange (e.g., performance indicators for talent cultivation and exchange).
- Project PIs should describe the potential for their projects to evolve into a larger-scale project, including development prospects, blueprints, and expected benefits.
- Applications that include collaboration with industry partners (such as industry matching funds, R&D collaboration, internships, etc.) and have clear plans will be given priority consideration.
- Restrictions
- Teams that have received funding from the UI-UAAT 2024 pilot collaboration project are eligible to reapply. However, they must clearly specify in this application the significant differences in theme, scope, framework, and overall impact.
- Topics proposed in the pilot project cannot be submitted again unless the application clearly articulates significant differences from the previous one and emphasizes the scope, framework, and overall impact of this project.
- How to Apply: Please read through the Proposal Template (see Attachment 3) and Call for Proposals (see Attachment 4), and then submit the joint project proposal to the online application system.
- UAAT Call for Proposals Briefing: The UAAT Secretariat will hold a briefing session on July 8 from 14:00 to 1500. Faculty interested in participating in this project can register at registration page before 17:00 on July 5.
- Webinar Matchmaking: UAAT and U of I will jointly hold a webinar on July 24 from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. Faculty interested in participating in this project can register at Information and Partnering Webinar before July 15.
NTU Office of Research and Development: Chia-Lin Huang (Manager)
Email: clhuang636@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: 02-3366-3267
- 本訊息負責人 研發處計畫業務組趙小姐
- 電話 04-22840205-704
- E-mail cwchao@nchu.edu.tw
- 相關附件 Attachment_1_Key_topic_in_each_solicitation_area (1).pdf 、 Attachment_2_List_of_member_universities_in_UAAT_and_member_institutes_in_U_of_I_System (1).pdf 、 Attachment_3_Proposal_template (1).docx
- 相關網址 https://research.nchu.edu.tw/unit-news-detail/id/3292/unit/8/mid/42