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  • 【興健康講堂-急救教育訓練】《援手2.0》社區第一線反應員培訓計畫【First Aid Education and Training】

【興健康講堂-急救教育訓練】《援手2.0》社區第一線反應員培訓計畫【First Aid Education and Training】

更新時間:2024-08-15 00:00:51 / 張貼時間:2024-08-14 23:21:45
During major disaster incidents, massive bleeding from trauma can quickly pose a life-threatening risk if not promptly addressed. Immediate intervention for bleeding can effectively save lives, often by those nearby who can assist in the first moments. Through training, Taiwan's citizens are taught rapid and effective first aid skills such as proper use of tourniquets, wound management, safe patient handling, and techniques for managing mass casualties. This training aims to prevent loss of life in sudden accidents, enhance public crisis awareness, and bolster the skills of frontline responders.
一、指導單位:Directed by
衛生福利部Ministry of Health and Welfare
內政部消防署 National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior
國防部軍醫局 Medical Affairs Bureau, Ministry of National Defense
美國在台協會American Institute in Taiwan, AIT
社團法人台灣災難醫療隊發展協會 Taiwan Development Association for Disaster Medical Teams
臺中場:2024年09月14日(星期六) 09:00-17:30

Date: September 14, 2024 (Saturday) 09:00-17:30
Location: National Chung Hsing University - College of Life Sciences, 1st Floor Auditorium
Address: No. 145, Xingda Road, South District, Taichung City, Taiwan
(Building: College of Life Sciences)
臺中市政府 Taichung City Government
國立中興大學秘書室暨USR辦公室Secretariat Office and USR office, NCHU
國立中興大學學生事務處健康及諮商中心Health and Counseling Center, NCHU

Attention~!!! Attendees, please note the pre-course notice. Registration time is from 08:30 to 09:00. Concerning the instructors and all participants, those unable to arrive on time should refrain from registering for this course.
Course Content: (Subject to adjustment by the organizers depending on situation)
Time Topic 項目
08:00~08:30  STAFF arrival 工作人員工作準備
08:30~0900 Arrival at Reception 學員報到
09:00-09:30 Site Safety & Self Protection 現場安全及通報
09:30-10:00 Opening ceremony 開幕式
10:00-10:30 Personal Emergency Response Kit Preparation 災害現場個人防護裝備
12:00-13:00 Lunch 午餐
13:00-14:30 Clinical Patient Assessment 關鍵病患評估
14:30-15:30 Mass Casualty Response and Assessment 大量傷患處置
15:30-15:45 break 休息
15:45-16:30 Scenario: Mass Casualty Incident 大量傷患演練
16:30~17:30 Comprehensive Test & Discussions 測驗及討論
7. Training Method: Learning effectiveness will be validated through scenario simulations and assessment tests after lectures and technical exercises.
八、訓練證明:全程參加並通過評核者,由主辦單位核發三張證書: (1)STOP THE BLEED®、(2)基本創傷救命術(BTLS)證書,與(3)第一線反應員訓練證明
8. Training Certification: Participants who attend the entire program and pass the assessments will receive three certificates issued by the organizers: STOP THE BLEED®, Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) certificate, and First Responder Training certificate.
9. Target Participants and Number: This session is open to 50 National Chung Hsing University faculty and students. Registration should be completed via the National Chung Hsing University Seminar and Lecture Event Registration System. (Participants must bring (1) ID and (2) National Chung Hsing University faculty/staff ID or student ID for check-in on the day of the course.) The organizers reserve the right to review and approve the registration list. Registration will be closed upon reaching full capacity on a first-come, first-served basis. (No on-site registration will be accepted, and waitlisted individuals should await notification from the organizers.)
十一、課程教材:由主辦單位提供。Course Materials: Provided by the organizers.
十二、課程費用:免費參加。但須於開課前提供個人資料以利製作證書。Course Fee: Free of charge. Personal information must be provided before the course starts to facilitate the production of certificates.
(一)  社團法人台灣災難醫療隊發展協會榮譽理事長
(二)  衛生福利部桃園醫院急診醫學部災難醫學科主任
(三)  桃園市政府消防局特種搜救大隊醫療指導醫師
(四)  桃園市義勇消防總隊救護義消大隊大隊長
(五)  衛生福利部北區緊急醫療應變中心副執行長
(六) 前台灣急診醫學會災難應變委員會主任委員
(一)  社團法人台灣災難醫療隊發展協會理事長
(二)  衛生福利部桃園醫院急診醫學部院前緊急醫療科主任
(三)  桃園市政府消防局緊急救護醫療指導醫師
(四)  台灣急診醫學會賽事醫學推動小組副召集人
(五) 衛生福利部北區緊急醫療應變中心副執行長
15. "Pre-course Travel Notice and Precautions" will be uniformly distributed before the course. Please ensure that email communications are functioning properly.
十六、課程聯絡人:國立中興大學動物科學系 柳育澤 助理教授
校內分機04-22840365#298、Email: liuyutse@nchu.edu.tw
校內報名聯絡窗口: 國立中興大學健康及諮商中心 許文馨 護理師
校內分機04-22840241#13、Email: wh4303@nchu.edu.tw
Course Coordinator: Assistant Professor Yu-Tse Liu, Department of Animal Science, NCHU
Tel: 04-22840365#298, Email: liuyutse@nchu.edu.tw
Registration Contact: Nurse Wen-Hsin Hsu, Health and Counseling Center, NCHU
Tel: 04-22840241#13, Email: wh4303@nchu.edu.tw
17. Participants who register for this event are deemed to agree to comply with all regulations outlined in the registration guidelines for this event.
十八、個人資料說明 :
Personal Data Statement:
The organizing body, Taiwan Disaster Medical Team Development Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Association"), and co-organizer National Chung Hsing University, collect your personal data for event registration. Before you provide your personal data, we are obligated to inform you of the following matters in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the Association's personal data protection policy. Please read carefully.
(一)  蒐集目的:僅為辦理本次活動之相關業務需求,包含活動行前通知、報到手續辦理與出席統計等業務。
(二)  本次活動所索取之個人資料包含得以辨識個人之中英文姓名、生理性別、生日、身分證字號、學歷、電話、服務單位與職務、郵遞區號、行動電話與電子信箱。
(三)  本次活動所蒐集之個人基本資料,僅提供本次活動使用,使用期間為活動報名期間至所有場次活動結束後30天使用,另本次活動透過網路及實體紙本形式所蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料,除核發結訓證書所需保存之資料外,其餘個人資料將於所有場次活動結束後60天內完成刪除與銷毀。
(四)  當事人可持本人證件親自至本會秘書處行使查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、停止蒐集/處理/利用或刪除您的個人資料之權利。
(五)  不提供正確個人資料之權益影響:若您不提供正確之個人資料,本會將無法寄送活動前通知等相關訊息。
(六)  本課程將進行錄影、拍攝,其影像供指導單位、主辦單位日後教育推廣及成果紀錄使用。若不同意授予肖像權者,請於報名表上特別註明,並於錄影與拍攝時留意迴避。

(1) Purpose of Collection: The data is collected solely for the relevant business needs of this event, including pre-event notifications, check-in procedures, and attendance statistics.
(2) The personal information requested for this event includes identifiable details such as the individual's name in Chinese and English, gender, date of birth, ID number, educational background, phone number, service unit and position, postal code, mobile phone number, and email address.
(3) The personal basic information collected during this event will only be used for this event, with a usage period from the registration period until 30 days after all sessions of the event have concluded. Additionally, the personal data collected, processed, and utilized through online and physical paper formats for this event will be deleted and destroyed within 60 days after all sessions have ended, except for the data required to issue the completion certificate.
(4) The parties may personally visit the Secretariat of this association with their identification documents to exercise their rights to inquire about or request to view, obtain copies, supplement or correct, stop the collection/processing/utilization, or delete their personal data.
(5) Impact of not providing accurate personal information: If you do not provide accurate personal information, our organization will be unable to send you relevant information such as notifications before the event.
(6) This course will be recorded and filmed, and the footage will be used by the guiding unit and the organizing unit for future educational promotion and documentation of results. If you do not agree to grant portrait rights, please specifically indicate this on the registration form and be mindful to avoid being recorded or filmed during the sessions.

19. The organizer reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this event at any time. Any changes to the content or important details will be announced on our fan page, and no further notice will be given.