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  • 【計畫徵求Program Application】中研院114年第1梯次國內學者來院短期研究,113年10月17日前完成線上申請,申請書3份於113年10月22日中午12時送達研發處學術組. / Application open for SINICA Short-Term Domestic Visiting Scholars. Online application deadline is October 17, 2024; 3 copy be submitted before October 22, 20

【計畫徵求Program Application】中研院114年第1梯次國內學者來院短期研究,113年10月17日前完成線上申請,申請書3份於113年10月22日中午12時送達研發處學術組. / Application open for SINICA Short-Term Domestic Visiting Scholars. Online application deadline is October 17, 2024; 3 copy be submitted before October 22, 20

更新時間:2024-08-27 10:29:35 / 張貼時間:2024-08-27 09:51:57
一、短期研究性質包含:(一)進行專題研究;(二)研發特定技術。 1. Short-term collaborative research carried out in compliance with the aforementioned provision shall encompass the following:
  (I) Research projects
  (II) Research and development of specific technologies
二、執行期限為2至6個月,本梯次受理申請訪問期間為114年1月至12月。 2.The duration of short-term collaborative research shall be between two to six months. The appointment for Domestic Visiting Scholars is awarded for the period from January to December 2025.
三、補助項目含業務費(每月至多2萬元)及獎勵金(每月至多3萬元)。 3.The following items are eligible for incentives
(I) Incentives: Up to NT$30,000 per month.
(II) Research materials, data collection, and other related expenses: Up to NT$20,000 per month.
四、徵件公文及作業要點如附加檔案。相關申請規範詳見中央研究院網頁 4. The terms and conditions for SINICA Short-term Domestic Visiting Scholars and application form is enclosed. For more information please visit the SINICA website