【轉知】社團法人中華緊急救護技術員協會113年度初級救護技術員教育訓練課程相關優惠[Notice] Information on Discounts for the 113th Annual Basic Emergency Medical Technician Training Course by the Chinese Emergency Medical Technician Association.資訊
更新時間:2024-08-27 10:13:46 /
張貼時間:2024-08-27 10:12:08
Starting today, registration for the EMT-1 courses from September to November is open. Registered students can purchase a retraining course voucher (valued at $999) for an additional $599 and will receive a pair of knee pads as a gift.
二、課程自即日起開始接受報名,請有興趣的同學至社團法人中華緊急救護技術員協會之官網進行課程預約及報名 (https://www.emt.org.tw/)。
The course is now open for registration starting today. Interested students are invited to visit the official website of the Chinese Emergency Medical Technician Association to make course reservations and register (https://www.emt.org.tw/).
一、即日起報名9月至11月EMT-1之課程梯次,報名學員可以$599元加購複訓課程抵用券(面額$999元)並贈護膝一雙。Starting today, registration for the EMT-1 courses from September to November is open. Registered students can purchase a retraining course voucher (valued at $999) for an additional $599 and will receive a pair of knee pads as a gift.
二、課程自即日起開始接受報名,請有興趣的同學至社團法人中華緊急救護技術員協會之官網進行課程預約及報名 (https://www.emt.org.tw/)。
The course is now open for registration starting today. Interested students are invited to visit the official website of the Chinese Emergency Medical Technician Association to make course reservations and register (https://www.emt.org.tw/).
- 相關附件 社團法人中華緊急救護技術員協會函.pdf