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  • 國研院「114年度第1梯次客座研究人員」自即日起受理申請,校內截止日113年10月25日。Application open for Fiscal year 2025 National Applied Research Laboratories Visiting researcher. Application deadline is October 25, 2024

國研院「114年度第1梯次客座研究人員」自即日起受理申請,校內截止日113年10月25日。Application open for Fiscal year 2025 National Applied Research Laboratories Visiting researcher. Application deadline is October 25, 2024

更新時間:2024-10-17 17:05:01 / 張貼時間:2024-10-17 16:58:03
二、  客座研究期限為3個月至6個月(114年2-7月),申請人須獲服務單位同意,利用休假進行。
Application open for Fiscal year 2025 National Applied Research Laboratories Visiting researcher. Application deadline is October 25, 2024
1 Qualifications for visiting researchers:
(1) Full-time associate professor level or above in Domestic private or public universities as well as institutions.
(2) Associate researcher level or above, as well as equivalent position, in government or government set-up research institutions.
2. The guest research period is from 3 months to 6 months (from February to July 2025). The applicant must obtain the consent of the department or unit that he/she is affiliated to.
3. The terms and conditions for NARL guest researcher and application form is enclosed.
Application form and Official documents certifying the leave of absence be submitted before October 25, 2024.
4. For more information please visit the NARLabs website