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  • 【轉知/法規修訂Regulations Amendment】國科會鼓勵執行機構以管理費支應專題研究計畫主持人及相關研究人員之心理健康服務相關費用 /NSTC encourages implementing agencies to use management fees to cover the mental health service-related expenses of thematic research project hosts and related researchers.

【轉知/法規修訂Regulations Amendment】國科會鼓勵執行機構以管理費支應專題研究計畫主持人及相關研究人員之心理健康服務相關費用 /NSTC encourages implementing agencies to use management fees to cover the mental health service-related expenses of thematic research project hosts and related researchers.

更新時間:2024-12-03 09:52:21 / 張貼時間:2024-12-03 09:51:44
  1. 發布單位:國家科學及技術委員會
  1. Issuing institution: NSTC
  1. 訊息內容:國科會鼓勵執行機構以管理費支應專題研究計畫主持人及相關研究人員之心理健康服務相關費用
  1. Content: NSTC encourages implementing agencies to use management fees to cover the mental health service-related expenses of thematic research project hosts and related researchers.
  1. 自即日生效
  1. Effective from now on
國科會公告:Link to the issuing institution