【國科會大專生研習NSTC Undergraduate Research Program】校內舉辦「國科會大專生研究計畫申請及研究創作獎分享座談會」影片放映,敬請轉知所屬踴躍參加,請查照。NSTC Undergraduate Research Project Application and Research Creation Award Sharing Seminar
更新時間:2025-01-14 15:18:25 /
張貼時間:2024-12-13 16:16:37
活動訊息 | Event Information |
(一)時間: 114年1月15日(三)下午1點至3點00分(報到12:40-13:00)。 |
TIME 1.Date: January 15, 2025 (Wednesday) Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (Check-in: 12:40-1:00 PM) |
(二)地點:圖書館第一會議室。 | Tentatively scheduled at the 7th floor of the university library or the library's first meeting room |
(三)報名:線上報名 https://psfcost.nchu.edu.tw/registration/ | Online registration: https://psfcost.nchu.edu.tw/registration/ |
(四)播放內容:係為本(113)年11月14日榮獲國科會指導大專生計畫之教授分享「計畫撰寫技巧與審查重點」暨榮獲國科會大專生創作獎之同學經驗分享「如何爭取大專生創作獎」之影音檔,議程表詳如附件。 | 1. Insights from a professor awarded for guiding undergraduate research projects on November 14, 2024: "Proposal Writing Techniques and Key Review Points." 2. Experience sharing by students who received the NSTC Undergraduate Research Creation Award: "How to Win the Undergraduate Research Creation Award." See attachment for the detailed agenda. |
本案聯絡人:研發處學術發展組蕭月仙小姐22840550轉301 | Contact Person: Ms. Hsiao Yueh-Hsien Department: Academic Development Section, Office of Research and Development Phone: 22840550 ext. 301 |
- 本訊息負責人 蕭月仙
- 電話 22840550#301
- E-mail yhhsiao@nchu.edu.tw
- 相關附件 線上議程表.pdf