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  • 【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會「114年度大專學生研究計畫補助案」校內申請截止日114年2月20日下午3時止。The deadline for on-campus applications for the National Science and Technology Council's "2025 College Student Research Project Grant" is February 20, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.

【轉知/計畫徵求Call for Proposals】國科會「114年度大專學生研究計畫補助案」校內申請截止日114年2月20日下午3時止。The deadline for on-campus applications for the National Science and Technology Council's "2025 College Student Research Project Grant" is February 20, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.

更新時間:2025-02-14 17:26:03 / 張貼時間:2024-12-30 10:50:47
  1. 委辦/補助單位:國家科學及技術委員會
  1. Funding institution: National Science and Technology Council
  1. 計畫主題: 114年度大專學生研究計畫補助案
  1. Project topic: 2025 College Student Research Project Grant
  1. 校內申請截止時間:114年2月20日下午3時
  1. The internal deadline: February20, 2025, 3:00 PM
  1. 申請方式:
    (2)申請學生及指導教授務必至國科會網站線上製作及傳送電子檔,如下列文件。(相關文件連結網址: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/list/2af9ad9a-1f47-450d-b5a1-2cb43de8290c? l=ch)
  • 大專學生研究計畫申請書。
  • 指導教授初評意表。
  • 指導教授個資料表(含近五年著作目錄)。
  • 學生歷年成績證明(以教務處核發之歷年成績單正本掃描PDF檔上傳,如為轉學生請另檢附原所屬學校歷年成績證明正本,電子檔請務必清晰)。
(3) 申請大專學生研究計畫之學生應完成至少六小時學術倫理教育課程訓練,請有意申請計畫之學生於114年2月20日(星期四)前檢附相關證明文件上傳至(https://www.nstc.gov.tw)。並請指導教授勾選遵照學術及研究倫理規範。
(4) 本案聯絡人:
  • 有關電腦操作問題,請洽國科會資訊系統服務專線,電話:0800-212-058, (02)2737-7592。
  • 相關規定如有疑義,請洽國科會綜合規劃處,電話:(02)2737-7847、7440、7568、 8010、7567。
  1. How to apply:
(1) Apply online. Applicants should submit their application online at the National Science Council website (https://www.nstc.gov.tw). Please notify the department head (organizer) of your school immediately for assistance. Go to the NSC website to confirm the application online. After the department confirms the application, please remind your supervisor to log in to the NSC system before 3:00 p.m. on February 20, 2025 to upload the preliminary review form and submit it. Applications must be completed within the specified time limit. Late applications will not be accepted.
(2) Applicants and their supervisors must complete and submit electronic files online at the NSC website, such as the following documents. (Related document link: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/list/2af9ad9a-1f47-450d-b5a1-2cb43de8290c?l=ch)
  •  Application for research project for college students.
  •  Initial evaluation statement from the supervisor.
  •  Personal information table of the supervising professor (including the list of publications in the past five years).
  •  Student’s academic records (scan the original transcripts issued by the Academic Affairs Office and upload them as PDF files. If you are a transfer student, please also attach the original transcripts from your previous school. Please make sure the electronic files are legible).
(3) Students applying for the post-secondary research program should complete at least six hours of academic ethics training. Students interested in applying for the program should submit relevant supporting documents to (https: //www.nstc.gov.tw). Please ask your supervisor to check the box to comply with academic and research ethics standards.
(4) Contact person for this case:
  • For computer operation problems, please contact the National Science Council Information System Service Hotline at 0800-212-058 or (02)2737-7592.
  •  If you have any questions about the relevant regulations, please contact the National Science Council's Comprehensive Planning Division at (02) 2737-7847, 7440, 7568, 8010, 7567.