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  • 【獎項申請Application for Awards】國研院「114年度研發服務平台亮點成果獎」,線上申請自114年3月1日起至3月31日止。NARLabs "2025 R&D Service Platform Highlight Achievement Award" Online Application Open from March 1 to March 31, 2025.

【獎項申請Application for Awards】國研院「114年度研發服務平台亮點成果獎」,線上申請自114年3月1日起至3月31日止。NARLabs "2025 R&D Service Platform Highlight Achievement Award" Online Application Open from March 1 to March 31, 2025.

更新時間:2025-01-08 10:04:32 / 張貼時間:2025-01-08 09:59:39
國家實驗研究院 National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs)
  1. 亮點成果應為前三年內(即111年1月1日起至113年12月31日止)使用本院研發平台所獲之重大成果。
  2. 依規定填具相關表單並檢附相關證明文件,敘明使用本院研發平台所獲重大成果之具體內容。
  1. Highlighted achievements must be major outcomes obtained within the past three years (from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2024) using NARLabs’ R&D platforms.
  2. Applicants must complete the relevant forms as required, attach supporting documents, and clearly describe the major outcomes achieved through the use of NARLabs’ R&D platforms.
  1. 線上申請時間:114年3月1日起至3月31日止。
  2. 線上申請系統(https://narlraaward.stpi.narl.org.tw)完成申請作業,逾期或資料不齊,均不予受理。
Application Details:
  1. Online application period: From March 1 to March 31, 2025.
  2. Complete the application process through the online system (https://narlraaward.stpi.narl.org.tw). Late submissions or incomplete documentation will not be accepted.
作業要點、相關表單等,請於線上申請系統/資源下載 (https://narlraaward.stpi.narl.org.tw)。 For operational guidelines, relevant forms, and more, please visit the "Resources Download" section in the online application system (https://narlraaward.stpi.narl.org.tw).

The above information is also posted on NCHU R&D Office Information Bulletin - Awards and Subsidies Announcement.