【獎項申請Application for Awards】「第23屆有庠科技獎」甄選,線上申請時間自113年12月20日至114年2月20日止。"23rd Y. Z. Hsu Science and Technology Awards" The application period is open from December 20, 2024, to February 20, 2025.
更新時間:2025-01-08 10:10:53 /
張貼時間:2025-01-08 10:06:32
財團法人徐有庠紀念基金會 | Far Eastern Y.Z. Hsu Foundation |
申請資格:具中華民國國民並符合資格者。 獎項: 1.「第23屆有庠科技講座」:「奈米科技」、「資通訊科技」、「光電科技」、「生技醫藥」及「綠色科技」等五類講座,每類別一名,共計五名。 上述獎項如欲請校長推薦申請者,請填寫校內推薦表(如附件)並完成校內推薦程序後,併同申請資料(紙本,請勿裝訂)於2025年2月14日(五)下午5時前送達研發處學術組彙整。俟簽請校長同意推薦並親簽後,辦理推薦書紙本函寄。 2.「第23屆有庠科技論文獎」:「奈米科技」、「資通訊科技」、「光電科技」、「生技醫藥」、「綠色科技」及「人工智慧」等六類論文,每類別兩篇,共計十二篇。 |
Eligibility: Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and meet the specified criteria. Awards:
For applicants seeking the university president's recommendation for the above awards, please complete the university’s internal recommendation form (attached) and follow the internal recommendation process. Submit the completed form along with the application materials (in hard copy, unbound) to the Academic Development Division of the Office of Research and Development by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 14, 2025. After obtaining the president's approval for the recommendation and sgin, the hard copy of the recommendation letter will be mailed directly.
各獎項之作業辦法,並依規定申請,請詳閱網頁公告說明https://yzhsu.feg.com.tw/Registration/Index.html 。 | For detailed application guidelines and award information, please refer to the announcement on the official webpage: https://yzhsu.feg.com.tw/Registration/Index.html |
The above information is also posted on NCHU R&D Office Information Bulletin - Awards and Subsidies Announcement.
- 本訊息負責人 盧錦惠
- 電話 04-22840550#302
- E-mail vmlab@nchu.edu.tw
- 相關附件 NCHU申請校外各類學術獎項校內推薦表及流程圖-研發處處務會議通過1130221.docx