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  • 【獎勵申請Application for Awards】「新北市政府教育局中小學研究發展獎勵計畫」,收件至 114年7月31日止。" Education Department, New Taipei City Government Research and Development Incentive Program for Primary and Secondary Schools." Application Deadline: Until July 31, 2025.

【獎勵申請Application for Awards】「新北市政府教育局中小學研究發展獎勵計畫」,收件至 114年7月31日止。" Education Department, New Taipei City Government Research and Development Incentive Program for Primary and Secondary Schools." Application Deadline: Until July 31, 2025.

更新時間:2025-01-22 13:38:55 / 張貼時間:2025-01-22 13:38:04
新北市教育局 Education Department, New Taipei City Government
  1. 適用對象:國內各級學校教職員、各縣市教育局(處)人員、各大專院校碩(博)士生。
  2. 研究主題:以新北市為研究對象,並符合「2030以學生為中心 為幸福而教」計畫架構之研究主題之一(含以上)。
  3. 繳交資料:包括申請書、授權書、已完成之行動研究或碩(博)士論文。
  1. Eligible Participants:
  • Faculty and staff of schools at all levels in Taiwan
  • Personnel from educational bureaus (departments) of various counties and cities
  • Master’s and doctoral students from colleges and universities
  1. Research Topics:
  • Focus on New Taipei City as the research subject.
  • Align with one of the themes within the framework of the "2030 Student-Centered and Happiness-Driven Teaching" program (or above).
  1. Required Submission Materials:
  • Application form
  • Authorization form
  • Completed action research or master’s/doctoral thesis
  1. 申請期程:每年度收件1次,本年度收件日自即日起至114年7月31日止
  2. 於114年7月31日前mail至新北市教育研究及資訊發展科( ailsa1118@apps.ntpc.edu.tw )
  1. Application Period: Applications are accepted once per year. For this year, submissions are accepted from now until July 31, 2025.
  2. Submission Method: Email all materials to the Research and Information Development Division, New Taipei City Department of Education, at ailsa1118@apps.ntpc.edu.tw before July 31, 2025.
請詳閱附檔來文說明。 Please refer to the attached document for detailed instructions.
