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  • 【轉知】衛生福利部國民健康署所送「戒菸專線之戒菸教育服務說明」及「學校單位轉介未滿20歲吸菸者至戒菸專線作業事項」 [Notice] The Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Health Administration has sent the

【轉知】衛生福利部國民健康署所送「戒菸專線之戒菸教育服務說明」及「學校單位轉介未滿20歲吸菸者至戒菸專線作業事項」 [Notice] The Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Health Administration has sent the

更新時間:2025-02-18 17:20:32 / 張貼時間:2025-02-18 17:19:52
  • 檢附旨揭說明及作業事項,請多加運用;另申請所需之「轉介戒菸專線服務中心個案同意書」及轉介所需資料之電子檔,該署已置於「健康九九網站」菸害防制館/戒菸服務/免費戒菸專線項下,請逕至該網站下載(網址:https://gov.tw/h9V)。
Attached are the aforementioned descriptions and procedures for your reference; please make good use of them. Additionally, the "Referral Consent Form for Smoking Cessation Hotline Service Center" and the electronic files required for referral have been placed on the "Health 99 Website" under the Tobacco Control section / Smoking Cessation Services / Free Smoking Cessation Hotline. You can download them directly from the website (URL: https://gov.tw/h9V).
  • 有關旨揭文件所載內容及戒菸專線轉介服務之詳細事宜,請逕洽戒菸服務轉介業務承辦人,電話(04)7000620、(04)7238595分機8567、8568。
For details regarding the contents of the documents mentioned and the smoking cessation hotline referral services, please contact the person in charge of smoking cessation service referrals at (04) 7000620 or (04) 7238595, extensions 8567 or 8568.