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  • 114 學年度舊生宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程The schedule for non-freshmen’s dormitory application through computer drawing lots for 114th academic year

114 學年度舊生宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程The schedule for non-freshmen’s dormitory application through computer drawing lots for 114th academic year

更新時間:2025-03-05 09:44:00 / 張貼時間:2025-02-24 13:35:44

一、凡本校在籍學生(循環經濟學院學生僅限申請南投校區宿舍) (含大學部舊生、碩博班舊生、延畢生、在職專班舊生)皆可申請床位抽籤(特殊生床位申請敬請另行參閱特殊生床位申請公告)
All current students (Students of Academy of Circular Economy can only apply for the Nantou Dormitory) (including non-freshmen of bachelor’s, master's, and doctoral programs, deferred graduates, and non-freshmen of in-service programs) are eligible to apply for beds (for special students, please refer to the bed application notice for special students).
Applications for the bed lottery will be open from 9:00 on March 5 (Wednesday) (please refer to the latest news from this group for the application time and method).
All non-freshmen of main campus must apply for the bed online.Successful applicants may freely choose from the available dormitory buildings and room numbers. If students wish to live together, they should discuss and decide on a preferred room number in advance. Once selected in the lottery, they can choose the same room simultaneously when the system opens for selection.
The dormitory has ample beds. Welcome All non-freshmen of main campus apply for the bed.
