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  • 國立中興大學環境工程研究所誠徵博士後研究員一名


更新時間:2006-10-19 11:50:36 / 張貼時間:2006-10-19 11:50:36


1. 執行「東南亞河川流域及海洋之碳循環(IV)南中國海區域海氣能量及空氣污染物交換研究:觀測與區域環境模式之應用與發展(I)」研究計劃。(計劃主持人:莊秉潔教授)

2. 聘用日期:即日起至2007731

二、 應聘資格:

1. 獲有國內外大學經教育部所認可之博士學位。

2. 物理學、空氣污染學、大氣科學、海洋科學及水文學相關領域者優先考慮。

3. 具有獨立研究能力及博士後研究經驗尤佳。


1. 履歷表

2. 自傳

3. 博士學位證書(若為國外取得之學歷請附駐外單位認證證明)或相關證件影本

4. 主要著作、專長、研修課程

5. 最近五年著作目錄

6. 其他有助於了解申請者背景之資料


聯絡地址:402 台中市南區國光路250號環境工程研究所

聯絡人:莊秉潔    聯絡電話:04-22851206  傳真:04-22862587


Postdoctoral Position Open for South China Sea Flux Measurement and




The position is available from now until 31 July 2007. Opportunity for the

following year will be available according to the performance of the 1st



Office will be in Taichung City, Taiwan.  Salary is commensurate to the

experience according to the standard of National Science Council/Taiwan. A

successful candidate should have a PhD degree in engineering, physics,

atmospheric science, oceanic science, hydrology or related area. Successful

candidate should be familiar with math or field observation. He/She will

help the project - Surface Fluxes Experiment in South China Sea Region:

Observation and Regional Environmental Model Development.


We are setting up a few flux towers in Taiwan. In addition, we also use the

eddy covariance system to measure the CO2 flux, sensible heat flux and

latent heat flux over South China Sea.


Apply electronically by sending resume, cover letter, statement of research

interests and the names of three references to Prof. B. J. Tsuang at the

following e-mail address: tsuang@nchu.edu.tw. Please include your name (last

name, first) in the subject line of the e-mail and reference position:

South-China-Sea postdoctoral fellowship.


Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the

position is filled.

