
空中英語教室workshop - 外語學習資源中心

更新時間:2007-06-07 16:22:43 / 張貼時間:2007-06-14 15:23:53


Motivating Your Students to Talk in Class

David Wright



Topic: Motivating Your Students to Talk in Class

Trainer: David Wright

Date: Friday, June 15

Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Place: 萬年樓(語言中心) 502教室


To make reservations, please contact T.A. Lin by calling 2284-0326 ext: 509, 510, 511.


Introduction:  Problems in the English classroom

Production:  Why focus on conversation or oral production?

The Ten Commandments:  Ten principles for a successful language curriculum

Workshop:  How Talking in Class works for YOU!

Q & A:  We’re here to help


Biodata: David Wright and Lovely Ko-Alagata have worked together at Ming Chuan University for over fifteen years.  Primarily English conversation teachers, they have also taught courses in ESP, Speech and Drama; and have been involved in a variety of other educational projects including curriculum development, video production, T.V. programs and preparing textbook materials.  Talking in Class is their latest and most exciting endeavour in language education to-date.
