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  • 韓國全北大學(Chonbuk Nattional University)2008春季班交換學生計畫,申請至12月7日截止

韓國全北大學(Chonbuk Nattional University)2008春季班交換學生計畫,申請至12月7日截止

更新時間:2007-12-01 13:50:56 / 張貼時間:2007-12-01 13:50:56


韓國全北大學(Chonbuk Nattional University)
1. Period of Exchange:  One year (from 1st Semester 2008 to 2nd Semester 2008) 

2. Number of Students:    3   

3. Course of Study:   Undergraduate  

4. Financial Assistance:
 Tuition Fee
 Accommodations
 Meals
 Living Expense (300,000 Korean Won: Approx. US $30,000)

5. Required Documents:
(l)Application form for an exchange student
(2)Letter of recommendation from the head of the university (English)
(3)Letter of recommendation from a professor of an applicant's department (English)
(4)Official transcript (English)
(5)Certificate of enrollment (English)
(6)Purpose of study (Korean)
(7)A photocopy of passport
(8)Application form for the dormitory
(9)Certificate of Health (English)
※ Results of HIV and Tuberculosis test and Medical Check-up
(10) photos (3cm×4cm)

6. Deadline: December 7, 2007 

7. Other Useful Information:
 If the Financial Assistance (No.4) does not cover the accommodations and meals, we will arrange on-campus housing for the recipient. However students are to pay for accommodations and meals at their own expense.

※ Two students per room.
※ Fee for staying: 3,500 Korean Won (Approx. US $3.50) a day
※ Fee for the meal: 4,500 Korean Won (Approx. US $4.50) a day
※ The fee is subject to change without prior notice.
As for meals, the dormitory cafeteria provides three meals a day. Students may choose to apply for the meal plan.  Students must secure a health insurance plan while attending CBNU. 


