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  • 美國史丹佛大學教授Gi-Wook-Shin擬於2009年3月10日(星期二)下午2:30-4:30來校演講


更新時間:2009-02-18 17:05:10 / 張貼時間:2009-02-18 17:05:10
演講題目:Between Nationalism and Globalization: Korea and Beyond

 演講人 :美國史丹佛大學教授 Gi-Wook-Shin

 時間 : 2009年 3月 10日(星期二)下午2:30~4:30

 地點: 中興大學綜合大樓9F 934室

Dr. Gi-Wook Shin

Professor of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center (Stanford University)

Abstract: National and global forces do not necessarily contradict each other; rather, they are readily compatible and interactive. This is because globalization can be appropriated for national interests and globalization can intensify, rather than weaken, national consciousness. Globalization presents both opportunities and threats (real or perceived), and a nation-state becomes proactive in maximizing what globalization has to offer, as well as reactive to what it perceives as its harmful effects.

The Korean case shows that its approach to globalization has been multilayered. In the name of segyehwa the government has promoted globalization to enhance Korea's national competitiveness in a rapidly globalizing world and has simultaneously sought to preserve and strengthen national heritage and culture. More recently, it has been promoting Asian regionalism as a reaction to U.S.-led globalization.

 A strong nationalist character is not a collective fantasy or a paradox, as some scholars have claimed; rather, it is a major feature or "paradigm" of today's processes of Korean globalization. There is no clear indication that either national or global forces will disappear in the near future. Instead, they will likely coexist in Korea and elsewhere, in relations that are both contentious and complementary. It would, therefore, be wrong to expect a "paradigm shift" in Korea's national development strategy in near future.

 His bio can be downloaded from the following address: http://aparc.stanford.edu/people/giwookshin/
