資管系3月27日(五), 敬邀訪問學者蔣曉毅教授蒞臨演講..
更新時間:2009-03-23 11:37:24 /
張貼時間:2009-03-23 11:37:24
資管系訂於3月27日(五)早上10點10分, 假本系108普通教室舉辦
專題演講, 特邀請訪問學者蔣曉毅教授蒞臨演講, 講題為:
Optical Flow: Fundamentals and Applications
Abstract: The optical flow is a dense velocity field that transforms one
image into the next image in a sequence. More specifically, we intend to
find for each pixel a velocity vector which indicates in which direction
and how quickly it is moving across the image. The concept of optical
flow is closely related to the object motion of a visual scene. This talk
introduces the fundamentals of optical flow theory and computation and
illustrates various applications.
請本校師生踴躍, 謝謝!!