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Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

2024-04-08 15:40:23
Tungs’ Taichung Metroharbor Hospital and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) signed a memorandum of understanding in 2023, focusing on natural carbon sink, sustainability, and afforestation initiatives. Their objective is to execute a 0.86-hectare afforestation carbon sink project. The project commenced this year; nursery and land preparation completed between February and March. On March 23rd, the "Tung & Hsing's Afforestation for Earth Protection - Planting by Hundreds" event transpired, attracting over a hundred participants who gathered to plant trees, contributing to the enhancement of our living environments and the preservation of our planet.

The faculty of NCHU, including President Dr. Fuh-Jyh Jan, Prof. Chih-Feng Chen (Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources), Prof. Chang-Yen Lee (Secretary General and Dean of the College of Law and Politics), Prof. Chia-Hsing Ho (Director of the Department of History), Prof. Wan-Yu Liu of the Department of Forestry, and their respective teams attended to support the cause.

Professor Wan-Yu Liu of the Department of Forestry stated that the Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa) trees planted in this project cover 0.86 hectares. They provide benefits such as drought resistance, tolerance to poor soil conditions, strong wind resistance, and rapid growth, creating more green spaces for local residents. When the Taiwan Acacia forest matures, it is projected to absorb approximately 327 metric tons of carbon dioxide, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through land improvement and natural carbon sinks. This initiative aids Tungs’ Taichung Metroharbor Hospital in gradually achieving its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals.

Superintendent Min-Che Tung of Tungs’ Taichung Metroharbor Hospital emphasized that, in addition to providing localized medical services, the hospital is also committed to environmental sustainability and the development of green healthcare. The afforestation project conducted in the Shalu District aims to give back to the local community by fostering ecological diversity and ensuring abundant green resources for future generations.
Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction

Tung & Hsing’s Collaboration for Earth Protection: Hundred People Plant Trees in Response to Net Zero Carbon Reduction
