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【媒體報導】Research finds plant compounds from different forests have different effects on people

更新時間:2013-10-04 12:50:50 / 張貼時間:2013-10-04 08:55:38



Research finds plant compounds from different forests have different effects on people

張貼.2013/10/04 上午 08:48:24   祕書室媒體公關組  .





Researchers have confirmed that ‘forest bathing’ in phytoncides, compounds released from plants, does bring health benefits. But the effects and intensity may vary depending upon what type of forest you visit.

All over this nature preserve, you can see travelers taking naps, even stringing up hammocks, in public spaces. Just what is it that makes visitors to the Xitou Nature Education Area so tired?

David Wang 
       National Chung Hsing University

Conifer trees release this compound that our analysis shows is made up of limonene or terpene. In animal tests, these compounds have proven to have a hypnotic effect.

But not all phytoncides are created equal. The Formosan gum trees at Aowanda National Forest produce a compound that instead of putting you to sleep, makes you more alert. This is because the compounds released by different plants have a range of different effects on the human body.

David Wang   
       National Chung Hsing University

The concentration of phytoncides outdoors is generally not all that high, but when you enter a forest, you inhale these compounds that bring beneficial effects.

The change is not immediate, though. It takes at least one day and one night of staying in the forest to get the full effects of a “forest bath.”






[[中興大學教授 王升陽]]

“針葉樹的主要釋放出來的這些成分,根據我們的分析 大概是屬於,檸檬烯 或者是松烯這些成分,這些成分經過我們的動物實驗,我們證實它可以讓動物,能夠有比較安眠的效果”


[[中興大學教授 王升陽]]

“芬多精在一般戶外的濃度,並不是那麼高,我們在森林的,作用底下裡面 你可以聞到這些成分,大概對你的身心都有很好的效果”







