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  • 【興新聞】上千名學者連署反對國光石化設廠


更新時間:2010-08-13 23:59:59 / 張貼時間:2010-08-13 23:59:59






張貼.秘書室媒體公關組 2010/08/13 10:23:41   .






        (Local) Thousands of Scholars Petition Against Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Corporation Building Factory

        Recently, the former President of the Academia Sinica, Lee Yuan Tseh, led various scholars to hold a press conference opposing Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Corporation building a factory. Participants from the academic field included various college professors and researchers from the Academia Sinica who all joined in the petition opposing the factory. There are now 1173 people who have joined the petition. Lee Yuan Tseh said that when the whole world is trying to reduce carbon, Taiwan does not need the petrochemical industry to increase carbon dioxide emissions, and instead should invest more in the research of renewable energy.

        The scholars also analyzed the disasters that may be caused by Kuo Kuan Petrochemical Corp. from the perspectives of public health risks, carbon dioxide emissions, and wetland conservation. Lee Yuan Tseh also pointed out that saving energy and reducing carbon is an international trend and is a key policy for the Ma government. Once the Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Corporation builds its factory, it will be difficult for Taiwan to achieve the carbon dioxide emission standards of 2000 in the year 2025.

        Scholars also point out that after Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Corporation starts operations, it is equal to chopping down 175 Daan Forest Parks a year. A professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering at National Chung Hsing University says that after the Six Naphtha factory was built, research points out that the average lifespan of Taiwanese people decreased by 23 days. If Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Corp. also builds a factory, over 300 people will die in Taiwan on average per year because of it.


.回 興.新.聞 線.上.投.稿
