
Staff and Their Responsibilities

Office TEL: 04-22840606
Title Name / Ext. No Responsibilities
Division Chief Mr. Kuo, Hsiao Hua
Comprehensive Works
Executive Officer Ms. Wang, Ruei Yu
Tel: 22840230
1. Salary related work includes Faculty salaryhourly feesyear-end bonuspensions ext.
2. Income withheld by letter from court
3. Payroll system
4. Temporary assignment by superior officer
Executive Officer Ms. Liu, Zhen Ying
1.  Tax statement and Payroll
2.  Check for all income ,responsible for withholding income tax
3.  Property management
4.  Temporary assignment by superior officer
Officer Ms. Yang, Hui Ju
Tel: 22840546
1.Fund Scheduling
2.Issuing receipt
3.Foreign currency account and 65552 account management
4.Estimated interest form banks and post office
5.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Administrative Clerk Ms. Li, Yi Hui
1.Issuing receipt and Uniform Invoice for any income in school includes parking feesGym tickets fees
2.Donation account management
3.The write-off system business
4.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Administrative Clerk Ms. Chao, Pei Yu
Tel: 22840636
1.Tuition fees collection includes Credit fees for educational programDormitory feetake courses between schools fee
2.Division of cashier web page maintenance
3.Personal and information security business
4.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Technical Worker Ms. Ho, Li Hsiang
1. NCHU Fund Payment (8877-5 )
2.Summer school Refund
3.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Technical Worker Ms. Yen, Ming Chen
1.Variable salary income check and Assist Income tax business
2.Distribute the official Documents
3.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Technical Worker Ms. Peng, Yu Lin
1. Proposales &Promoted Education   account payment(8878-3)
2.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Technical Worker Ms. Chiang, Tzu Yu
Tel: 22840270
1.8882-1 account payment
2.Dispatching Scholarship and Various types of student refunds
3.The coin machine collects money management
4.The loan management
5.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Maintenance Worker Ms. Huang, Feng Ching
1.COA account payment(8879-1)
2.Assist in fund scheduling
3.Bid bonds, marketable management
4.Retirees health insurance account management
5.Filing system management
6.Temporary assignment by superior officer
Maintenance Worker Ms. Hsu, Hui Yi
Tel: 22840637
1.NSC account payment(8880-5)
2.Temporary assignment by superior officer

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